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The Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue Blog

Serenity, Compassion and Visiting Practitioners

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to have received the news that the villa itself is now licensed as a ‘Tourist Villa’, which means that legally, we are operational!

Following a major leak earlier in the week that set us back a few days, we are now back on track; adding details to the rooms, tidying some ‘interesting’ finishes on some of the building and finalising the website. Hesitantly, (as this is Vietnam, and we’re very used to unexpected delay!) we would like to announce that we will be opening on 1st July!

Two of the poolside rooms, Serenity and Compassion are complete and we’ve included preview photographs! Thanks once again to the multi-talented Kerstin Pilz @writeyourjourney for taking these beautiful shots!



Retreat Venue Facilities: The Meditation Labyrinth and Yoga Sala

The meditation labyrinth is now complete, with a fabulous sprinkler system installed, thanks to a hilarious charades-like conversation with our ever-supportive neighbours! The sala is close to having a coconut roof (which will dramatically reduce the slightly industrial look we currently have!), and the bamboo fence will follow. All that really remains is to lay turf and find the perfect spots to place seating and hammocks for reflective breakaway moments during retreats.

A photograph of building work starting to create a yoga sala for the retreat center Gratitude Vietnam in Hoi An.
A photograph of the yoga sala and meditation labyrinth nearing completion at the  Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue in Hoi An.

We’re also excited about the seeds we’ve planted this week – mint, borage, lavender, basil, parsley, chillies, garlic, cornflowers, and so many more – we’re nurturing them with Reiki, conversation, fertiliser and water, and look forward to watching them grow so that we can pack nutritious salads with home-grown herbs and edible flowers!

A photograph of seeds planted at the Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Center to produce home grown herbs, chillies, garlic and edible flowers.

Visiting Practitioners and Retreats in Vietnam

Most excitingly, we have confirmed three bookings this week and are thrilled to be welcoming two phenomenal practitioners, Jeremy de Tolly and RJ Noble, in August and September respectively. We will of course share more details about these wonderful, heart-centred men very soon.

The next blog post, will be the launch of our own ‘USUI Reiki 1 Training and Retreat’ at a special, discounted rate as our opening retreat at Gratitude Vietnam.

With gratitude and love to you all for your immeasurable support and encouragement throughout this journey,

The blog sign-off signature image for Hannah and Naomi, hosts of Gratitude Vietnam - a Retreat centre in SEA
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” Meister Eckhart


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