Dear friends,
We are delighted to share with you the new-look Gratitude Vietnam retreat venue website!
If you would like to just have a look, visit, but if you have a little time and would be happy to feedback as you browse, please click here and follow the instructions given (all comments are completely anonymous). As with everything, we value your feedback and will use your comments to make improvements!
Now that we are up and running, we would be extremely grateful if you could share our website with anyone you think may be interested in attending one of our retreats, or may wish to hire the villa as a retreat venue or private villa for a holiday or event!
Gratitude Vietnam is open for business!
With nervous anticipation, we were extremely excited to welcome our first guests, Christina and Anjaan from Yogatrippie this week. Based in the Middle East, Christina and Anjaan liaise with yoga retreat leaders, and find venues suited to their needs. Following an inspection, they have given us every confidence that we are 'retreat-ready'! It was wonderful to share the space and vision with experienced international retreat leaders, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company. Thank you both so much, not only for being our first guests, but for your enthusiasm and supportive critique - we very much look forward to your return visit!
The newest member of the Gratitude Vietnam family!
On Sunday, we went to the villa to paint the sala floor! We thought we'd spend the morning painting, then take a half-day off, but the plan rapidly disintegrated when our lovely neighbours insisted on us joining them for a delicious lunch. Poppet, our loyal therapy dog (who we've confirmed is actually female after all, and around 7 months old!) was with us, and following a few too many beers, the family presented us with yet another puppy. Now named Bobo because of a dream Hannah had in Hong Kong, this little quivering 8-week old bundle of quirky-cuteness was on the verge of becoming a street dog, and so, she is now the newest (and last!) member of the Gratitude Vietnam family!
Retreat venue progress!
With the exception of painting the mandala, the yoga sala is now completely finished! We've added lanterns for soft lighting, ceiling fans for still days, painted the floor, and installed a surround sound system to cater for both gentle meditation or provide the volume needed for ecstatic dance!
Unlike the UK where turf is delivered in lengths, beautifully rolled and flat - ours arrived in 20cm squared pieces, and extremely uneven! Laying 1000 of these required painstaking packing of sand under and between each section to get an even surface, and allow them to grow and knit together. It was a little like tiling and making a sandcastle in combination! The grass however, was grown on sand at An Bang beach, perfect for the 'soil' we have, and is already beginning to look healthy and lush.
The spa is coming together, and now needs some final work to turn it into a beautiful oasis of tranquility! Downstairs we have two amazingly comfortable massage chairs and a separate 1:1 therapy room with massage table. Upstairs is a lovely open space for massage, Reiki and sound bowl healing!
We've been in Hoi An for nearly eight months and are thrilled that at long last, the retreat venue Gratitude Vietnam, is open for business!
With gratitude and love to you all for your support every step of the way,
"Because you are alive, everything is possible." - Thich Nhat Hanh