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The Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue Blog

The Retreat Venue is Nearly Complete

Writer's picture: Gratitude Vietnam - Retreat VenueGratitude Vietnam - Retreat Venue

Dear Friends,

It’s been a sweltering week here in Hoi An – at 38°C (100.4°F), even Hannah who normally only sweats from her nose, has been wringing out her plait as she works around the villa! She wouldn’t let me share the photograph of her at work, so have included one of her with our loyal therapy dog, Poppet, who we belatedly discovered is actually of the male variety!

Hannah and the therapy dog 'Poppet' in the garden of the Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue in Asia

We are amazed at how much has been achieved since we last blogged. Sample curtains are now up, beautifully complimenting the bespoke bedrunners and cushions; wardrobes and shelving are in the process of being made by a local carpenter, and two of the bedrooms are extremely close to being exactly how we envisioned them, with the others not far behind.

The washing machine, tumble dryer and shelving are now in the store-room, and the majority of the furniture in it’s rightful place! We would love to share photographs with you, but will wait just a little longer, until we are completely happy that the villa is as it would be for a retreat or private villa booking.

A photograph of building work starting to create a yoga sala for the retreat center Gratitude Vietnam in Hoi An.
The yoga sala in construction at Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue
The Meditation Labyrinth in Construction at Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue

The meditation labyrinth is nearly finished, with over 180 slabs and 160 jasmine plants! We have decided to order an extra 160 plants to further define the path and reduce the ‘flow of sand’ onto the stones as they receive their much needed water supply. We were delighted that a couple of children from nearby started to make use of it this evening, though perhaps not quite as mindfully as it is intended to be!

The Vietnamese hat is not for show! The lovely matriarch of the family neighbouring us insisted I wear it, and actually, they are amazingly lightweight and comfortable! I can completely understand why they have stood the test of time – fantastic in both sunshine and rain!

The nearly finished Meditation Labyrinth being used by two local boys in Construction at the Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue
Nearly finished, two local boys enjoy the mindful path!

Thanks to a massive community team effort, the garden is starting to look like a garden! The yoga sala structure should be completed tomorrow, leaving only a coconut roof, flooring and bamboo fence to install. We now have a veritably tropical selection of plants, trees and flowers to delight and entice visitors into what will be a verdant and lush oasis.

Very soon, we will blog a ‘sneak preview’ of the rooms and villa in its entirely, but until then, wish you a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world!

With so much gratitude and love,

The blog sign-off signature image for Hannah and Naomi, hosts of Gratitude Vietnam - a Retreat in Asia.
“Spread joy. Chase your wildest dreams.” Patch Adam


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