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The Gratitude Vietnam Retreat Venue Blog

Everything in balance…

Writer's picture: Gratitude Vietnam - Retreat VenueGratitude Vietnam - Retreat Venue

Dear Friends,

As we frantically navigate the inevitably delayed finish of the villa, and ready it for photographs to be taken from Friday, we have encountered a day of balance. Balance of frustration and gratitude in equal measures!

A day trip to DaNang is never really something we look forward to, as it means leaving our quiet bubble of happiness in Hoi An, however it had to be done! The electronics and cash-and-carry trip was productive, but the mission to get a VAT receipt for the meditation room sound system was, well, testing to say the least!

We’ve returned with an array of random (but thoroughly planned) items, ranging from bottle openers and pastry brushes, to woks, a European first aid kit and hairdryers. The villa will not only be stunning, but well stocked for both retreats and private rentals!

For every frustration we encounter however, we are always reminded of the wonderfully supportive and immeasurably helpful local community.

This morning we met with Nho from Flower Grass Spa (who also sells cushions and mattress toppers!). She came to translate for her husband who we had anticipated may be able to paint our own spa, which will accommodate massages and individual therapy sessions.

He was unable to complete the work himself, but while we were in DaNang, Nho not only found 3 quotes for us, but also a colour swatch for the ‘sunshine wall’ (all will be revealed!) and arranged for the work to start on Tuesday! Not only this, but she has volunteered her husband to oversee the painting to ensure that it is done to the highest standard! This amazing show of generosity is something we have come across regularly here, and one of the many things we truly love about life in Hoi An.

A photograph of a singing bowl used for sound healing on a rock in a river, with water reflecting and flowing around it.
Sound Bowl Vibrational Healing Photo Credit: Nigel Rowles @

On rare occasions, the helpfulness can be a slight hinderance! This evening we enjoyed a beautifully grounding sound bowl meditation, hosted by Nigel Rowles and Kerstin Pilz. This wonderful hour of calm provided a much needed regroup – thank you both, it was fabulous! Having returned in a more peaceful place, I carefully applied the final coat of varnish on the bedroom signs – only to have them exuberantly ‘watered’ by an attentive neighbour who kindly wetted our concrete whilst doing his own! (Apparently watering concrete is the done thing here!)… so a re-sand and varnish will be needed tomorrow!

All in balance!

With gratitude and love,

The blog sign-off signature image for Hannah and Naomi, hosts of Gratitude Vietnam - a Retreat in Vietnam.
“The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.” Unknown


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