Dear Friends,
It’s been go, go, go, since we last blogged about our journey towards creating our beautiful retreat venue!
Yesterday, the villa was a hive of activity with a team of six completing a deep clean throughout, electricians installing emergency lighting, many deliveries, two measurements and quotes for curtains, and painters decorating the spa. The pool, with the backdrop of our landlady’s artwork, is now fully cleaned and ready to use, and we’re looking forward to a quiet day to trial it!
Our friend Kerstin is not only a fabulous yoga teacher and writer, but also has a passion for tropical plants! She was kind enough to accompany me to the local garden centre to pick out a huge variety of foliage and flowers to start establishing the garden and bring some colour into the retreat. For a short time, it looked like we had our very own nursery in front of the villa! We’ll be making a return trip on Saturday to add a little more diversity and fill some gaps.
Nho from Green Grass Spa has continued to be amazing, and we now have two extremely comfortable massage chairs and tables. We just can’t wait to show you the space!
Today, Hannah has completed the humungous task of emptying the many boxes of accumulated ‘villa goods’, and re-distributing them into rooms. Each bedroom now has a cafetière, teapot, glassware, kettles and crockery! In the meantime, I’ve been creating the ‘meditation labyrinth’ for the garden, planting and touching up some paintwork. Dotty has been ‘helping’ make dreamcatchers!
We have been inundated with support from the amazing family who live near the villa. They’ve helped us immensely with planting (even gifting us extra plants!), brought us iced drinks through the day, helped move paving, and last night, after a long but satisfying day, we all sat and enjoyed delicious home cooked food and a well earned cold beer! We are yet again, extremely fortunate and grateful to have a wonderful community around us, making what felt like an impossible task at the beginning of the week, not only achievable, but also (mostly) enjoyable!

Yoga blocks, lamps, and bamboo pens have also been delivered throughout the day, alongside an additional 100 jasmine plants (taking the total to 150 so far!), and an extra 100 paving stones for the labyrinth. Everything is really starting to come together and we’ve included some photographs of the ‘work in progress’!
With gratitude and love,
“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.“ Barack Obama