Dear Friends, as the pandemic impacted tourism in Vietnam so heavily we have had to close Gratitude Vietnam. Gratitude Worldwide now exists as a company, and the hope is to open a retreat in Europe in the coming year or so. If you like what you see here, please join the mailing list for updates on progress towards the next chapter. Thank you for your love and support. With gratitude and love, Naomi and Hannah
Online Retreats and Resources
Gratitude, Love and Compassion
tap into your inner resources to find the light in the dark
Select from available dates and timezones
The world in this moment is understandably fearful and scared. Each one of us is affected by this situation, with individual experiences of feeling isolated, anxious, stressed, out of control or depressed.
You do have inner resources and it is possible to find these, even during the most difficult and challenging moments. In every situation, there is a possibility for growth and peace with opportunities to build a mindful practice of inviting bright moments of gratitude, love and compassion into daily life and develop a positive mindset. Join us in community from your home.

Unlocking Us
Brené Brown podcast
(Free online resource)
We LOVE researcher and #1 New York Bestseller, Brené Brown! She is now recording and sharing this fabulous podcast - tune in to experience her wonderful humour, talks on vulnerability (and we're all feeling vulnerable right now!), and insightful sharing of her research into Wholehearted Living.
Website link
Positive Psychology
10 Coping Skills for Adults and Youth
(Free online resource)
A collection of resources for adults and children alike. Downloadable resources and pdfs to support healthy coping mechanisms and resilience during this challenging time. There are many fabulous resources on this site.
Website link
Controllable Factors
finding grounding in uncertainty
(Free downloadable resource)
We are in a period of time of uncertainty, isolation and change - whilst there are aspects of this global situation that are out of our control (the existence of COVID-19, governmental decisions, financial impact, the need for self-isolation, how others around respond, etc.), there are also a huge number of factors we can manage. Often the feeling of being out of control exacerbates feelings of helplessness, but acknowledging the things out of our control, whilst taking action to focus on things we can change and positive ways to spend our time can immediately help to combat this.
We hope that this downloadable resource will offer comfort and a helpful perspective. Please feel free to share this with friends, family, colleagues, neighbours if you find it to be of use to you!
Practicing Gratitude
find three things...
(A mindful minute)
In this time of fear and anxiety, take time if you're able to stop and reflect on three things you are grateful for in this moment.
It is impossible to experience gratitude and fear at the same time, and this simple practice can help to consciously battle anxiety within. Spend at least 60 seconds with these to allow your mind, body and energetic being to register them fully.
What are the three things you are grateful for in this moment?
Our thoughts and love are with the global population as each and every one of us is affected by this pandemic. Please reach out for a chat and connection if we can help in any way, or sign up for an online 1:1 workshop if you feel you would like more intensive support or to develop your mindfulness toolkit.
"Practising gratitude is how we acknowledge that there's enough and that we're enough" - Brené Brown
Loving Awareness
wash your hands with gratitude...
(A mindful minute)
If you're with the global population and washing your hands many times a day, why not take this as an opportunity to mindfully thank your hands for all the things they enable you to do? Wash with loving awareness, care and attention.
I love my hands as they allow me to offer reiki and sound healing, play musical instruments, write, draw, type, complete DIY tasks, paint, drive a car... the list is endless!
Taking 60 seconds of gratitude brings momentary peace to mind, body and soul as our bodies release oxytocin, muscles relax and the mind stills. It is also impossible to feel anxiety and gratitude simultaneously. Where else in your life can you bring gratitude into your life as a practice?

Free writing and meditation course
experience the joy of creative self-expression
(Free online writing course)
Our wonderful friend and fellow retreat leader, Kerstin Pilz is offering free online writing and meditation course.
"As we are sliding into global uncertainty, mindful writing will make you feel aligned, calm and more resilient.
Practicing social distancing for the safety of all can feel difficult and it's important to remain connected to yourself and to a supportive community.
The course comes with daily guided singing bowl meditations, daily writing prompts and short lessons.
There's also an optional private Facebook Group where you can safely share your writing with a supportive online writers group."
If writing is something you enjoy, we can highly recommend Kerstin of writeyourjourney.com!
30 Minute Guided Mindful Meditations
Victoria Nhan Wellness
(Free live online meditations)
Also an wonderful friend and fellow retreat leader here in Hoi An, Victoria Nhan also leads the yoga classes for many of our retreats. She is now offering twice weekly, 30-minute meditations via Facebook Live.
"Sit, breathe and nourish your calm and peace with these 30-minute guided mindful meditation sessions ONLINE via FB Live on my page Victoria Nhan Wellness.
I'll go live twice a week: Mondays 9am and Wednesdays 2:30pm Vietnam time (GMT+7)
Make yourself comfortable in a chair or on the floor with a mat or some cushions. Recommended that you tune in with headphones for better sound. Nothing else needed.
As communities around the world navigate this unpredictable time, I’ve been leaning into my mindfulness practice more than ever. I found myself earlier this week getting sucked into reading the news and social media which resulted in an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and stress. With mindful awareness, I am noticing when these emotions rise and am leaning into my mindfulness practice to breathe deeply, create space and take care of myself by actively choosing to nourish calm, peace, and groundedness in me.
These 2x per week sessions are here to support and serve you if you feel like joining. With people mindfully breathing around the world we can create a collective energy of peace, calm and connection. No investment required."
More Resources
We will continue to share resources and mindful minutes throughout this particularly challenging period of time.
Please sign up to our blog and follow our Facebook page / Instagram posts to see them as they are shared!
We are also offering online retreats and workshops - please know this is not capitalising on the global crisis, but finding a means to offer support and tools in a way that will enable us to survive as a business whilst we are unable to run retreats onsite!