Dear Friends, as the pandemic impacted tourism in Vietnam so heavily we have had to close Gratitude Vietnam. Gratitude Worldwide now exists as a company, and the hope is to open a retreat in Europe in the coming year or so. If you like what you see here, please join the mailing list for updates on progress towards the next chapter. Thank you for your love and support. With gratitude and love, Naomi and Hannah
Art of Awareness
Wed, 15 Jul
|Gratitude Vietnam
Releasing through movement, breath and sound.

Time & Location
15 Jul 2020, 15:00 – 17:00
Gratitude Vietnam, Lane 486, Nguyen Tri Phuong, Hoi An, Quang Nam, Vietnam
About the Event
What do you need?
Physically, emotionally, vocally...what are your needs? What if you could borrow from your future self? The one you dream of being.
What if you stopped beating yourself up and started behaving like the person you wish you had been/could be?
How do you do that? It can’t just be in your mind. We aren’t strong enough to maintain it unless we investigate our relationship to our body, breath and voice.
People are constantly giving us advice about how we should be behaving but we don’t often receive the tools to make it happen? We need practical tools. Doings.
Have you noticed the amount of tension your holding in your shoulders and neck just reading this far? Have you been holding your breath? How does that serve you? Is it reasonable? Does it feel good? How can you change it?
You need a practice. A way to ask better questions. Something you do daily. Small tangible, achievable actions. Create better habits. Reprogram the voice in your head. Support your experience. Release what no longer serves you.
Join me any Wednesday for The Art of Awareness featuring Fitzmaurice Voicework® and explore what it feels like to make space for freedom from within.
Using movement, breath and sound you will begin to loosen the grip on your muscular armour as well as the habitual behaviour that keeps you from allowing your own experiences and your ability to speak up. You will gain practical tools to help you navigate self-regulation and self-care.
*You’ll also need a thick pillow. Zafu, couch cushion, whatever you’ve got that can support the weight of your pelvis while laying on your back.
*Because you will be using your voice throughout the practice, you should be prepared with some memorized text. This could be anything. A monologue you know well, lyrics to a song, a poem, nursery rhyme, etc. You’re also welcome to just speak some gibberish. Anything is appropriate.