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Chakra healing retreat

awareness, awakening and balance

(7 nights)

About the retreat

This loving and compassionate retreat will take you on a personal heart-centred journey of transformation. 

Through focused workshops, meditations, daily yoga and a delicious menu designed around the chakra work, you’ll have the space, time and support to expand your self-awareness, evaluate blockages that cause stagnation, reenergise, and find ways to truly take charge of your direction.  

As you tune in to your intuitive, energetic felt sense and undertake a beautiful journey of mindful awareness, you’ll truly discover the real ‘you’ as well as ways to build this awareness into your daily life.

The workshops

The workshops are a key part of the retreat. They include creative writing, journalling, creative activities, group discussions, exploration of boundaries, sensory activities and mindful awareness.  

Workshops and evening meditations are facilitated by workshop host and healer, Naomi Rowan and will include:

Grounding and Safety

“An Introduction to the Polyvagal Theory, Tools to Calm and Ground the Nervous System”

Tuning into the feeling self

“Values and Beliefs: connecting, evaluating and removing obstacles”

Trusting Intuition

“Tuning into what you need and want - finding true North and making conscious decisions"

Loving Awareness & Living Gratitude

 “Self-love and compassion - becoming your own best friend, healing childhood wounds and relationships with others.  Gratitude as a practice, not an attitude!"

Finding your Voice

“Tools for safe expression - boundaries, needs and affirmations”

Be here now

"Finding purpose and direction, mindful awareness of thought, action and reaction in the moment"


Taking action

"Immediate and sustainable change for greater love, compassion, joy and peace in the every day."

When you arrive, we’ll present you with a beautiful booklet to guide your journey, not only during the retreat, but for when you transition back into your life.

Daily meditations 

We vary the mediations to suit each chakra.


They will include:


*Walking labyrinth meditation

*Sound bath meditation with beautiful Tibetan singing bowls

*Guided imagery and music meditation

*Loving Awareness, Compassion and Gratitude Meditation



We adapt the yoga to energise and balance each of the chakras, and so vary in style accordingly.


Sessions will take place  in our stunning open-air yoga sala.

Individual sound healing, Reiki session or guided imagery and music journey


During this retreat you are invited to attend a 1:1 sound healing, Reiki session or Guided Imagery and Music journey, with Naomi Rowan, tailored to your individual blockages or needs.

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